Through the active involvement of HeidelbergCement România S.A., a room with 15 new computers was equipped at the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science. They are used by students enrolled in the first year, starting with the second semester of the academic year 2018-2019, within some subjects provided in the curriculum, namely "Use of computers and computerized industrial graphics", "Applied informatics".
By sponsoring the 15 computers, the company HeidelbergCement Romania S.A. invest in education. Based on a sustainable collaboration with the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, the HeidelbergCement Romania company also supports the training of students through trainee and internship programs, study visits and internships.
HeidelbergCement Romania S.A. is a member of the German group HeidelbergCement AG, a world leader in the aggregates market and a major player in the field of cement, concrete and other related activities, which positions it among the largest producers of construction materials in the world. The group has approximately 63,000 employees in more than 3,000 production sites in approximately 60 countries worldwide.
HeidelbergCement Romania SA is one of the most important producers of cement, concrete and aggregates on the Romanian market. The company was born in 2015, through the merger of Carpatcement Holding S.A., Carpat Beton S.R.L. and Carpat Aggregate S.A., companies that were established between 1998 and 2004 as part of the investments made in Romania by the HeidelbergCement group, which total over 520 million euros.
The Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science send special thanks to HeidelbergCement Romania S.A. for the sponsorship carried out.